Our Mission
Advancing His Kingdom Here
On Earth As In Heaven
We see every believer as a citizen and an ambassador of God’s Kingdom and recognise that as the ecclesia, the church is called to disciple nations and to bring God’s legislature and governance to the nations.
Through sharing the Good News of Christ’s finished work on the Cross, with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we seek to reconcile people to God and to each other and to promote human flourishing, by extending God’s Kingdom influence in the seven gates* of a nation.
*Arts, Entertainment & Sports; Business & Finance; Church & Religion; Distribution, Media & Communication; Education & Training; Family & Community; Government & Law.
We seek to:
EVANGELISE - Reach men and women in all nations for Jesus Christ by engaging the community and the marketplace.
EMPOWER - Enabling and training disciples to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit.
EQUIP - Train, equip, and educate believers to follow Jesus and to mirror God's image wherever they are.
ENLARGE - Multiply disciples, enlarging our sphere of influence.
EXTEND - Advocate, ideate, and provide solutions by promoting God’s Kingdom culture in the seven gates, and seeking the Holy Spirit.